Rejuvenating Crieff Town Centre – central to the Crieff Community Action Plan 2013-2018
Drummond Arms Hotel
The top priority identified by people in Crieff for the 2013-2018 Crieff Community Action Plan was to find solutions to the problem of Crieff’s redundant and derelict buildings. One of the key buildings which stood out then and continues to stand out as holding the ticket to the regeneration of Crieff town centre is the former Drummond Arms Hotel – a huge derelict eyesore dominating the centre of Crieff.
Crieff Community Trust resolved to tackle the issue of the Drummond Arms Hotel. Read about our progress and Drummond Arms Regeneration Ltd
Can Do Crieff co-working space
Community surveys and the Community Action Plan also identified demand for a co-working hub in Crieff Town Centre.
In 2016 CCT was instructed to carry out an Empty Buildings Appraisal by the Scottish Land Fund. The study was completed in Spring 2017 and can be read here. The study confirmed strong demand for a co-working space in Crieff: a space with shared facilities for people to work, foster collaboration on projects and make work with and for each other. Instead of having to leave Crieff and Strathearn to work in offices in Stirling, Perth or further afield, people wanted to be able to work in a co-working space in Crieff’s town centre
Following the findings of the Empty Building Appraisal, CCT looked for a suitable building to house a co-working hub in Crieff town centre and, working with Strathearn Artspace, decided to create such a space in the former Learning Centre below it on Lodge Street. With support from a number of funders, including the Big Lottery Fund and PKLeader, Can Do Crieff opened in February 2019, as a shared professional space where people come to work instead of working in isolation or commuting long distances every day.
For current news on CCT’s efforts to tackle Crieff’s derelict buildings and empty spaces check our our News page.