About the Crieff to Comrie path
One of top priorities identified by people in Crieff for the Crieff Community Action Plan was the development of a safe, off-road footpath and cycle route between Crieff and Comrie. Following publication of the action plan in February 2013, an action group was formed to explore options for improving access to the designated core path between Crieff and Comrie. This path will form part of a proposed ‘Three Saints Way’ pilgrim route, and eventually contribute to a national east-west Pilgrim Trail between St Andrews and Iona.
What’s a core path?
Core paths provide access to the countryside for “non-motorised user groups”. They are paths that are specifically intended for walkers, runners, cyclists, horse-back riders and wheelchair users — although not all core paths are necessarily suitable for all these groups. Perth & Kinross Council published a Core Paths Plan in January 2012, as required by the Land Reform (Scotland) Act (2003). This shows a system of paths across the county totalling more than 2,000 km in length. (Further details about core paths in Perth & Kinross)
What is the route of the Crieff to Comrie core path?
The Crieff to Comrie core path is in two sections. The first section runs from Mungall Park in Crieff, through Acorn Dell and along Lady Mary’s Walk, to Trowan. The second section runs from Trowan to Comrie along the former railway line. Separate work is ongoing to improve the path through Acorn Dell. However, the section between Trowan and Comrie also needs significant work to bring it up to a suitable standard for use by all. Maps of the core path network around Crieff and Comrie are available from Perth & Kinross Council.
What have we done so far?
- February 2015 – CCT receives match funding from Gannochy Trust and Scottish Natural Heritage for Trowan to Comrie feasibility study
- Autumn 2014 – PKC commissions feasibility study for Trowan to Comrie section of the path
- 23 Sep 2014 – CCT publishes the findings of our survey of residents and visitors regarding the Crieff to Comrie core path. Read it here.
- 12 March 2014 – CCT undertakes a survey of residents and visitors to explore options for improving the core path.
Who to contact for more information
- Jim Anderson: jamesanderson925@btinternet.com