Views sought on Perth & Kinross Proposed Local Development Plan and Environmental Report
Dates have been set for the Proposed Local Development Plan and Environmental Report consultation from 1 December 2017 until 4 pm on 2 February 2018.
The Proposed Local Development Plan sets out planning policies and identifies development proposals across Perth and Kinross. When adopted, the Local Development Plan will form the basis for determining planning applications and guide future development in the Perth and Kinross area.
All relevant information may be viewed from 1 December at
Information will also be available from 1 December at PKC libraries and community campuses during normal opening hours; and PKC office at Pullar House, Perth between 8.45am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday (except for the first Thursday in every month when the office opens at 11.00am). The PKC office will also be closed from 23 December, reopening on 3 January 2018.
Anyone may make representations on the Proposed Local Development Plan. You may send comments to the Local Development Plan Team by using one of the following options:
· using the PKC interactive StoryMap – this is an online summary of the Proposed Plan highlighting the main changes proposed for LDP2, with interactive mapping and the ability to comment;
· by e-mail to: ;
· by post to the Local Development Plan Team at the address at the end of this message.
The last date for representations is 2 February 2018.
Please state in your representation which policy, proposal or part of the Proposed Local Development Plan you wish to change or support; and please explain precisely what changes you would like made together with any reasons you have for requesting the change – and if you would like any assistance with making comments, help will be available online, by phoning or calling in to our office, or from any of our information events in December and January.
Please note that your name, comments and any information you provide will be published online; please be assured personal details such as addresses, signatures, email addresses and telephone numbers will be removed prior to this. Please be aware that you should avoid making personal comments or expressing opinions about others and that comments of this nature will not be published.
Please notify PKC if you do not want your contact details to be published. Your comments and contact details may be withdrawn upon request by e-mailing For further information on how the Council collects and uses personal information please visit, e-mail: or phone 01738 477933.
PKC will consider and summarise the representations received in respect of the Proposed Plan. The issues raised will be reported to Council, and then considered at a Local Development Plan Examination by an independent, appointed person known as a Reporter. Only comments made between the start and end of the period of representations will be considered by the Reporter. The Reporter will examine the issues raised and make recommendations as to whether the Proposed Plan should be changed before it is adopted.
Comments received in respect of the Environmental Report will be considered separately before finalising.
For further information call 01738 475300 or visit
Comments (3)
Comments are closed.
LPD2Site H58
The entire proposal seems to be ill-thought out and unmindful of the requirements of a village the size of Comrie and of the habitations around the proposed development . The introduction of 33-52 units impact on all local roads, particularly approach roads during building work and thereafter and on local services, schooling, medical services amongst others. This area is a recreational approach approached through a Natural Environment much used by local inhabitants.
Dear Andrew,
The Local Development Plan is set out by Perth & Kinross Council. CCT can only comment on it as well. The more voices PKC hears the better. I would suggest you send your comments to the Local Development Plan Team by using one of the following options:
· using the PKC interactive StoryMap – this is an online summary of the Proposed Plan highlighting the main changes proposed for LDP2, with interactive mapping and the ability to comment;
· by e-mail to: ;
· by post to the Local Development Plan Team at the address at the end of this message
Best wishes
Ailsa Campbell, Chair
LPD2 Site H58
I strongly object the proposal of 33`
-52 houses being built on Site H58. There has been no thought of access, schooling, medical centre, or the long term impact on this conservation village. Cowden Road is private and Langside Road is most unsuitable for heavy traffic. I would like this proposal to be removed permenantly and more thought given for future sites.
Mary Wilson