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P1040807CCT is very involved in the development and improvement of the footpath and cycle track network around Crieff.  While some of this work involves significant fund raising and engineering works, there’s also a lot that can be done with a wheelbarrow and spade — and the help of volunteers.

There is a very active group involved in carrying out repairs on existing paths in Crieff and neighbouring areas.  This group — which includes people from Crieff, Comrie and Muthill and is supported by the Perth & Kinross Council Community Greenspace Team — meets regularly to clear overgrown vegetation, improve drainage and repair the surface of local paths.

Come along and join a work party!  This is a terrific way to get involved in a very practical way in helping the work of CCT.  It’s also great exercise, very satisfying and a lot of fun!

Upcoming work party dates

Sadly, all upcoming path maintenance sessions have been postponed. You will, of course, be aware of the current situation regarding Coronavirus. As a result, PKC staff have been asked to postpone or cancel all non-essential meetings, activities and events. In light of this, the Community Greenspace team have taken the decision to suspend ranger led volunteering activities from now until the end of May. As our path maintenance sessions are led by our Greenspace Ranger, Calum, this includes our activities.

This is because:

  • Volunteering is often undertaken as part of a group of people, and the advice is to avoid social gatherings and non-essential contact.
  • Volunteers are likely to come into contact with a range of people from different locations, meaning they may be more likely to be exposed or to expose others.
  • We are mindful that a number of our volunteers may be deemed to be ‘high risk’ either because of their age, underlying health conditions, or because they live with or have care responsibilities for vulnerable people.  We would not want volunteers or their families to be exposed to any increased risk.

We will review the situation regularly and reschedule our sessions when it is safe to do so.

Could you be a Volunteer Task Leader?
It may be possible for small groups of volunteers who are not members of vulnerable groups and who do not have close contact with members of vulnerable groups to carry out some tasks without Calum the Ranger. If we had volunteers who were willing to lead tasks, we could arrange access to tools, assistance with risk assessments, insurance cover etc. If you are interested, please get in touch with Calum ( or Jim – ( to discuss what would be involved and how we could support you.

Thank you

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for all your hard work on our local paths. We’ve really appreciated seeing both longstanding volunteers and new faces at recent sessions and numbers have been increasing so it’s a real shame to have to call a halt at this time. We look forward to seeing you all out there again at some point in the not too distant future. In the meantime we wish you and your loved ones the very best of health.

Who to contact for more information

Calum Bachell, Greenspace Ranger, Perth & Kinross Council,

Jim Anderson, CCT Trustee, Crieff Community Trust,


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