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CCT launches survey about the Crieff to Comrie path

Crieff-Comrie_paths_surveyAre you a keen walker, runner, cyclist or horseback rider?  Or are you someone who just loves the countryside around Crieff?  Then we would love to hear from you!

In 2012, our consultation among residents and business owners in Crieff found that there was a strong demand for a safe, off-road footpath and cycle route between Crieff and Comrie. Following the publication of the Crieff Community Action Plan in February 2013, the Crieff Community Trust (CCT) is now exploring options for improving the designated Core Path between Crieff and Comrie.

The first section of this path runs from Mungall Park in Crieff to Trowan, and the second section runs from Trowan to Comrie along the former railway line.  The path would join up with at least two national long-distance routes and has the potential to help attract visitors to the area.

The section of the path between Trowan and Comrie needs significant work to bring it up to a suitable standard for use by all. CCT would like to ensure that any improvements carried out to the path reflect the needs of local residents (in Crieff, Comrie and across Strathearn), visitors and land owners. Therefore, we would like to find out more about how people might use it. Please can you take five minutes to give us your views by taking part in our survey?

>>>>> Take part in the survey now.  (Deadline for responses:  15 May) <<<<<

If you know of others who might like to take part in the survey, please forward them this link:

If you know of someone who might like to take part, but who doesn’t have access to the internet, you can download a paper copy of the questionnaire and pass it on to them.  Information is included about how to submit completed paper questionnaires.

We are also keen to hear from visitors to the area.  If you own a business that has contact with visitors, could you help by telling them about the survey? We would be happy to deliver some paper questionnaires to you.  To request this, just email:

Comments (4)

  1. Very interested in a path from Comrie toi Crieff.
    Hope another could link west with the Lochearnhead – St Fillans path.
    I’m a keen walker and cyclist.
    Experience on other paths has shown that horses tend to churn the surface up and make it very much harder for cyclists in particular but also walkers.


  2. I certainly agree with Mr. Gambles that the restoration of the old railway line between St.Fillans and Lochearnhead would indeed be a superb walk. The parts we have walked are certainly in need of some TLC , but the area is just excellent and the views wonderful. However, as he says, the presence of cattle ( and horses ) from time to time , make parts pretty difficult to navigate.

  3. Maybe you should actually publish photos to show how high the path is and how steep the banks are, nothing safe about it! Oh and what about the implications to the landowners with what you are proposing?! All for access to the countryside but don’t change what’s already there, the Crieff to Comrie railway line has a purpose and is also crucial to farmers during flooding!
    Perhaps you should inform the community of the bigger picture rather than asking people to fill out a survey with a few one sided irrelevant questions!

  4. As a resident of Comrie and a keen cyclist and walker, I am very much in favour of the restoration of the Crieff to Comrie railway line as a cycleway / walking path. the section from Trowan to Comrie will provide excellent and SAFE walking / cycling access between Comrie and Crieff. the benefits to local businesses in the the area from tourism will be significant. the extremely popular Callandar to Killin cycle path is an example. I would very much like to the cycleway/path extended all the way to Lochearnhead to link up with the existing cycleway. With regard to other land users along the route, there must have been alternatives available when the route was actually a railway. Perhaps these could be reviewed in light of the wider benefits the path would bring to the whole community.

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