Don’t miss Can Do Crieff’s Biz Chat with local business owner Jamie Landale
Coworking space ‘Can Do Crieff’ is relaunching it series of ‘Biz Chats’. Held online, the Biz Chats are for anyone interested in business – be that starting a business, growing their business or adapting to the changes that COVID has made to their business. You are also welcome to come along if you are interested in hearing more about a local business in the heart of Strathearn.
Join in as Susan Grandfield, one of Can Do Crieff’s founders and owner of SG Development Solutions, interviews a local business owner about how they got to be where they are today.
The series begins with Jamie Landale of The Crieff Food Co on Wednesday evening, 27 January. From event catering, to farm shop to ready meals – find out more about Jamie’s journey to The Crieff Food Company and beyond.
CCT Chair Ailsa Campbell explains “we created Can Do Crieff to be a supportive place for people who are wanting to start a business as well as people working on their existing businesses. We hope these Biz Chats will inspire people and give them a boost in these challenging times.”
Interested? Book for your free place here.