Crieff Air Quality Action Plan Community Engagement Session 29 February
Any one interested is invited to attend the upcoming Crieff AQAP Community Engagement event at Strathearn Community Campus on Sat 29 February from 10am to 1 pm
The main objective of the morning will be to gain the community’s perspective on the published AQAP measures. This will then inform the prioritisation of measures. By hosting this session, PKC hope to engage with the local community on how they think the plan should be taken forward and in turn allow for a constructive discussion to take place regarding air quality in the Crieff high street corridor.
Mapping exercises and workshops will be utilised to gain public perception on various issues on the high street corridor and in turn will be used as a focus of discussion and note taking. These exercises will focus on issues present within the AQAP such as parking on the high street, junction functionality, active travel, loading/unloading and other subjects contained within the 2019 report.
For more information or queries please contact PKC Environmental Health: