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Drummond Arms – Making it safe & secure

Since sharing our exciting news last week that CCT had acquired the former Drummond Arms hotel, the positive comments and responses have been outstanding. It’s really great to know we have the continued support of the community as we work towards a long term, sustainable solution for this much loved building.

Now with this big hurdle overcome, the real work begins…

In order to take this big step CCT set up a trading subsidiary company, Drummond Arms Regeneration Limited (DARL), to secure the title and make it safe and secure. Work will begin on Monday 14 October to board up the windows and doors and secure any loose materials. The scaffolding will be up for 12 – 14 weeks. All of our new neighbours and business owners will receive a letter informing them of these essential works. We wouldn’t be here without the continued support and assistance from Perth and Kinross Council and our other kind funders.

CCT’s main objective is for the development of the Drummond Arms to be the catalyst for town centre regeneration in Crieff. We have carried out years of work to establish what would work for this difficult site. Our experience of carrying out numerous feasibility studies, options appraisals, partnership development and extensive work looking into funding the different options has given us valuable information to get this moving forward.

In order to make sure that the most financially viable end-use for the building is found, DARL will be reviewing proposals which have come forward and will have a panel of independent advisers to assist with this decision. If you are reasonably local, have some spare time and relevant skills DARL is also looking for two more directors to make up the team.

Any enquiries can be sent to our Project Development Officer, Arleen Sinclair at 
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