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AGM and Open Day

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Crieff Community Trust will be held at 1pm on Saturday 24th August in Can Do Crieff, Lodge Street, Crieff PH7 4DW. The formal business will be followed by an Open Day, from 2 – 4pm, where you can find out more about what we do.

This is an exciting time for the Trust and we encourage our members and the public to come along and find out more. Full Members and Business Associate Members are eligible to vote on any resolution and to stand for election as Directors. Associate Members and Junior Members are welcome to attend, but are not eligible to vote or stand for election as Directors.


Report from the Chair

Report from the Treasurer

Special Resolution (Note 1 – Amendment to Constitution – Charitable Purposes)

Special Resolution (Note 2 – Amendment to Constitution – Additional Articles)

Special Resolution (Note 3 – Clarification of CCT Boundary)

Election of Directors

Adoption of Policies

Any Other Competent Business

  1. Special Resolution

The Trust has been advised by the Development Trust Association of Scotland to amend its Charitable Purposes. The revised Objects have been approved by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

Current wording:

4      The company has been formed to benefit the community of the Crieff catchment area (“the Crieff area”), which comprises the postcode units set out in appendix 1, (“the Community”) with the following objects:

4.1    To advance citizenship and / or community development, including regeneration within Crieff and the promotion of volunteering

4.2   To advance the arts, heritage and culture for the benefit of the community

4.3   To advance public participation in sport, for example through the provision of improved facilities available to the community

4.4   To provide, or assist in providing, recreational facilities, and/or organising recreational activities, which will be available to members of the Community and public at large with the object of improving the conditions of life of the Community.

But such that the company shall do so following principles of sustainable development.

Proposed wording:

4      The company has been formed to benefit principally the community of the Crieff catchment area (“the Crieff area”), which comprises the postcode units set out in appendix 1, (“the Community”) with the following objects:

4.1    The advancement of community development including the advancement of rural regeneration principally within the Community

4.2   The advancement of citizenship

4.3   The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture and science

4.4   The advancement of environmental protection or improvement

4.5   The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of the life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended.

But only to the extent that the above purposes are consistent with furthering the achievement of sustainable development.

  1. Special Resolution

The Trust has been advised by the Development Trust Association of Scotland to add new recommended Articles of Association to comply with current legislation. Please refer to the document Crieff Community Trust New Articles of Association June 2019.

  1. Special Resolution

CCT is clarifying the definition of its boundary.

Current wording:

  1. The company has been formed to benefit the community of the Crieff catchment area (“the Crieff area”), which comprises the postcode units set out in appendix 1, (“the Community”) with the following objects:

Proposed wording:

  1. The company has been formed to benefit principally the community of the Crieff catchment area (“the Crieff area”), which comprises of the Crieff Community Council Area and the postcode units of PH7 4HA and PH7 4JW, (“the Community”) with the following objects:

Election of Directors

Any Full Member or Business Associate Member may stand for election as a Director, up to a maximum of 12 elected Directors. Although there is no requirement for members to give advance notice of their intention to stand for election as a Director, any member who is interested in standing or who would like further information on the role of Directors (who are also Trustees), is invited to contact the current Board by email at:

We are keen to welcome new volunteers and new Directors so if you would like to get more involved in the work we do, please contact us or come along to the AGM.

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th August and hope you can stay for our Open Day.

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