Works to improve High Street bus stops starting on 22 Feb 2016
CCT have been sent the following information from Perth & Kinross Council in relation to improvements to the High Street bus stops in Crieff. If you have any questions, please contact Moray Fraser, tel 01738 477370.
Works will commence on Monday, 22 February 2016 to substantially upgrade the bus stop facilities on Crieff High Street as shown in the first drawing below. This work is being funded with Crieff Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) monies.
The works programme is scheduled to last for three weeks and be undertaken in three phases (as per the Construction Phase drawing below). The first phase will involve work to improve the bus stop facilities on the north side of High Street (outside the old bank building) followed immediately by phases 2 & 3 on the south side (at RS McColl). Temporary traffic lights will be used to manage traffic movements during each phase of the work.
A temporary bus stop will be provided to the east of Hill Street, while work on the north side of the High Street is undertaken – this will result in the removal of a section of on-street parking bays while this work phase is ongoing.
During work on the south side of the High Street, local bus services operating to the south and west of Crieff will be diverted to the existing bus stop at James Square.
It is recognised that there will be some inconvenience experienced by the local community while these works are ongoing. It is however expected that once the improvements are complete, the High Street bus stops will operate more efficiently; benefiting passengers, the buses and general traffic flow on this section of the A85. The larger bus shelters will be able to accommodate more waiting passengers, providing better protection during periods of inclement weather. The bus stops will be more accessible for passengers and particularly those interchanging between bus routes. Pedestrian flows in the vicinity of the bus stops should also be improved.
In addition to the High Street improvements, the Council are looking at the provision of new bus shelters at a further four bus stops in Crieff. Subject to the availability of funding, it is hoped these bus shelter installations can be undertaken in the late spring/early summer. Further details will be made available from Perth & Kinross Council in due course.