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Get involved in shaping Crieff’s Community Action Plan

Following our successful Open Day in September, we now have a clear steer from the people of Crieff about what they see as the town’s priorities for the next five years.  The next step is to turn these priorities into a set of specific, measurable, achievable projects.

Would you like to be part of this process?  If so, why not get involved in one of our short-life working groups — just for the month of November.

What will the working groups do?

There will be five working groups — each focused on a particular theme from the Open Day:  (1) Town centre; (2) Transport & services; (3) Tourism, marketing and promotion; (4) Community and recreational facilities; and (5) Environment and heritage.   The members of each group will decide which projects are to go in the action plan for their particular theme.   It’s likely that each group will need to meet on two or three occasions during the month of November to finalise the projects under their theme.

To kick off this process, we are holding a meeting at the Strathearn Community Campus on Thursday evening, 8 November, 7.30pm.  Please come along, and be involved in shaping this ground-breaking document in the life of Crieff.

Do you know of someone else with a burning interest in one of the five themes above?  Why not invite them to come along with you on 8 November?

If you can come, please RSVP to

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