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Steering Group news

Steering Group continues to work towards a Crieff Community Trust

Since September 2011, the Steering Group for the Crieff Community Trust continues to meet fortnightly at the Strathearn Community Campus, with sub group meetings inbetween these dates to work on specific tasks.

Although the Group meets extremely frequently there are many important issues needing to be decided and it is therefore, taking longer than expected to achieve the immediate goals of applying to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator [OSCR] for charity status and starting on a Community Action Plan. At present the group is finalising its Memoradum & Articles of Association necessary for the application to OSCR. These will be published on the group’s website for anyone who is interested. In addition, a bank account has now been set up for the Steering Group, a membership database management system for the future Community Trust has been decided upon, a visual identity has been established for the Crieff Community Trust and a general information leaflet with membership application is in the works.

The Group is also planning to create a Community Action Plan which will involve consultation with key stakeholders and groups in Crieff.  Crieff’s Community Action Plan will be a very useful and informative document identifying Crieff’s goals and listing actions to help Crieff move forward.  It will also be a powerful document to give to funding bodies when applying for grants for community projects.

Want more information? All the Steering Group minutes are posted on this website.

Want to get involved? The current biweekly meetings are very busy working meetings and the group struggles to complete everything on the agenda within the time frame. While the group focuses on getting the application to OSCR it is not really suitable for people to drop in, however anyone wanting to contribute their skill during this formative period please get in touch be emailing There will be an opportunity for open meetings in the future.

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