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Charitable objects of the Crieff Community Trust

In the past fortnight, the Crieff Community Trust Steering Group has sent off our application for charitable status to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).   The process of completing this application involved many discussions within the group about what the charitable “objects” (i.e. objectives) for the Crieff Community Trust should be.

In the end, we agreed on nine objects.   The application process also required that each of the objects have one or more “projects” associated with it.   Deciding on a list of projects was hampered somewhat by the fact that we do not yet have an agreed community action plan.

Our initial list of projects, which we submitted with our application, reflects the findings of the Crieff Community Survey (from 2010), as well as the comments made at the various public meetings held in Crieff between November 2010 and June 2011.

The Steering Group plan to hold a community Open Day in early September to invite everyone in Crieff to contribute to the development of our community action plan.  The action plan will set out clearly what projects people in Crieff would like the Community Trust to pursue over the next few years.  It will reflect the views and priorities of people in Crieff.   Once the action plan is finalised, it may be that our initial list of projects (submitted with our OSCR application) will change.

Have a look at our provisional list of objects and projects here.

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